Basic Git commands

Some of the basic git commands:

1. git init

This command creates the new Git repository. It can be used to convert an existing project to a Git repository or initialize a new, empty repository.

2. git add .

This command adds all the files that you are going to commit. You can also add specific file from your directory with command git add specific file .

3. git branch

This command shows the branch that you have created. Using git branch branch_name you can create new branch and git status shows the branch that you are currently working on.

4. git checkout

This command let you to move from one branch to another. If you are in master branch and want to move in main branch you can use git checkout main to move in main branch.

5. git clone

This command clone or make a copy of repository locally. To clone a repository, you can use git clone repository_url.

6. git commit

This command changes the source code of existing file with new changed code with the commit message. To make a good commit, we can use git commit -m"commit message". Commit message includes what changes you have made in file.

7. git merge

This command lets you to merge or sync changes that you have made in main branch.

8. git push

This command push the file to the repository. If you have some file where you have made changes , you can push those file into repository by using git push.

9. git pull

This command pull the file from the repository to our local workspace. If some changes is made in repository and you want to pull those changes, then git pull is used.

10. git log

This command shows the commit you have made. It displays the changed information like whether the commit is merged or not , who have made the commit and date,time when the commit is made.

Thanks for reading.
